PCM PLUS +               For the Prowler








PCM PLUS + module is a “piggy back”  computer  when used with a  specially configured  Chrysler PCM  provides a replacement solution for the Prowler PCM.


Included in the package  is a PCM,  wiring harness  and  PCM PLUS + module.

The PCM included is based on a LH Platform PCM.   It has been re-flashed to Prowler specifications.

The PCM PLUS +  module is custom made for this application. 


The PCM PLUS + modules handles all the details needed by the Prowler.


The main portion of the PCM PLUS +  module  translates  the  CCD  protocol to PCI and vice versa.

This allows us to use a newer hardware  PCM to operate the engine while still being able to support the rest of the Prowler communication.   


Another issue with the Prowler is that it is hard to diagnose issues.   One question is always, “what is the status of the clutches in the transmission? ” .      The Bluetooth feature of PCM PLUS +  enables displaying  vehicle information  on a Bluetooth device.     A  PCM PLUS + APP was developed to display information on a real time basis.  This includes  Charging Voltages,   Engine and transmission temperatures,  transmission Input and Output shaft speeds   and also the Transmission clutch values.




For more information contact:    Tony Goertz     at      tony@goertz.ca     





Diagnostic Code P0601                 WHAT DOES IT MEAN ?

This code indicates that the program stored in memory of the PCM is no-longer correct. The Checksum for the  data is not correct. The Eeprom (memory) that stores the program is failing.  Sometimes the area of memory that failed doesn't cause an issue. The next failed area might.   I have experienced that some people say they have "fixed" the PCM.  In reality, they  turn off the message so you no longer receive the diagnostic code. The Eeprom is not replaced. 

 To me this is not a fix !     Just a ticking time bomb !








 The Prowler was developed at a time that Chrysler was using  a communication protocol known as CCD Bus   between all the electronic modules on their vehicles.   This protocol originated in the late 1980’s .

Also while the Prowler was being developed,  Chrysler was also developing a  NEW  aluminum block  High Output  V6 engine.     The engine was not ready for 1997 Prowlers.   Team Prowler  wanted the new HO engine for 1999  on.     The engine was destined to be used in Chrysler  Gen II - LH platform.   Much of Prowler was based on the minivan.   The Gen II - LH platform was new as well in 1998.   This Platform had transitioned to the a new  Communication bus  know or  J1850  or PCI.


To support the new HO engine, the  New features had to be added to the PCM. 

As a result, the Prowler PCM became unique  with CCD bus  and HO engine support.

The uniqueness is at a hardware level.  No other PCM uses the same hardware.









I had already experienced these issues during my Hemi conversions.  By 2008 Chrysler had again changed to another communication protocol. This time the CAN bus protocol.


I had research this problem for many years already.  In 2019  I stumbled across the work of Daniel Laszlo in Hungary.   As a hobby, he had been working on the CCD bus modules in his father’s car for a few years. He also happens to be an electronics engineer.    He is a VERY CLEVER man !!!

He had already made a device to scan the CCD bus.  I also found where someone else had done some work on reading the PCI bus.    I a short time I had a good report with Daniel.  I asked him if he would be able to also create PCI bus adapter as well.   He did so and also coached me through the initial build of our prototype unit, a Mega2560 controller board.   Initially he did ALL the programming of the CCD-PCI translation and I did the testing.     The “genius” is in the programming!     I added a Bluetooth module.    Recently, he designed and built the complete module.  

Now you have to remember that he is in Hungary and I am in Canada.  I do not speak Hungarian .  Per his own admission, he does not speak a word of English.   BUT he has taught  himself to understand spoken English  and to read & write  English.  Did I say he was CLEVER ?    So we communicate by emails…. Lots of emails. …





I am extremely thank full that Daniel did not just turn me away  when I asked a few very basic questions. 

Without his dedication, efforts and more importantly, results , we would not have a solution for the Prowler PCM.    We continue to work together to provide this package.


This project has also some beneficial side effects.   Daniel has been able to incorporate what we have learned into his existing product, his  CCDscanner.  He has also become an expert on Chrysler PCI communications.  



Chrysler has never created any PCM flash files for the Prowler for their dealers.   I have now created “flash files”  that can be used to re-flash  the Prowler PCMs  by any dealer with a DRB3 tool.   







A Blue Tooth APP has been developed in conjunction with the PCM PLUS + module.

It can be used to not only monitor the module   but also to monitor various aspects of your Prowler.


Most of this info can otherwise only be monitored with the Chrysler Dealer DRB3  tool.